Montana’s Premier Big Game Outfitter

We strive to be the best in the business at providing our clients with the best hunting experiences the great state of Montana has to offer.

Our Hunts

  • Rifle Elk Hunts

    Our Rifle Elk hunts are offered from the last week of October through the third week of November. We have several high-quality Montana ranches that are professionally managed for trophy elk. We manage the herds for older age class bulls. All of our ranches offer quality elk hunts. Hunter success is high for mature bulls with our premier elk ranch bulls typically scoring in the 320-360 B&C range. All of our rifle hunts are conducted in general units so licensing is not a problem!

  • Archery Elk Hunts

    Our Archery Elk hunts take place from the first week in September through the second week of October on some of the finest ranches Montana has to offer. Archery elk hunting is our specialty! In Montana we get to hunt elk with a bow for the entire rut which allows us to offer our clients some of the best elk hunting on the planet. Although we can occasionally hunt from a stand or a blind, most of our hunting is done calling and intercepting bugling bulls! The way elk should be hunted!

  • Rifle Mule Deer Hunts

    Mule deer hunts take place from the third weekend in October through the third week of November. Hunting is conducted on large private ranches in Montana where we can manage for quality trophy animals. Mule deer are primarily hunted as a stand-alone hunt but can be added on to an elk hunt on a few of our ranches. The average deer killed on all properties is 5 years of age and on our premier ranches we maintain a 160-180+ gross B&C average. Hunter success is very high. .

  • Rifle/Archery Whitetail Hunts

    Whitetail deer are often plentiful on the Montana landscape. Even in areas that contain mostly elk and mule deer, whitetail often have a presence. We manage these animals for older age classes the same as our elk and mule deer. Whitetail can be hunted separately as a stand-alone hunt or can be added on to an elk hunt. Success rate is high with most deer scoring 130-145 gross B&C with the largest bucks scoring 160-170 gross B&C.

  • Bison Hunts

    Our Bison hunts are conducted from late June through August on arguably one of the most scenic ranches in the world! This 115,000 acre ranch supports a bison herd of approximately 2,300 adult animals. These bison are minimally handled and are as close to wild bison as can be. We hunt the pre-rut and the rut of the bison. This is an incredible opportunity to witness a vast herd of bison in natural habitat during the breeding season. Beards and hair are the longest during this time period and make incredible shoulder mounts. Mature bulls will weigh up to 2,500 lbs yielding 700+ lbs of meat. Most trophies will score 65-75 SCI points.

    Ask about our limited number of Archery Bison hunts.

  • Bird Hunts Waterfowl/Upland

    Our bird hunts our conducted on an Eastern Montana ranch with a variety of birds being available to chase. Be it pheasant, sharp-tail grouse, ducks, or geese we can do it all on this ranch! Hunters can bring their own dogs or we can provide them. This is a large ranch with a wide variety of terrain to hunt.

  • Archery Antelope Hunts

    Our archery Antelope hunts are conducted mid-August through the first week of September. These hunts are conducted on large ranches with large numbers of trophy bucks. This is an extremely fun and successful hunt with spot and stalk being our main method of hunting. Montana Antelope tags are issued through a drawing process. Applications for the Antelope drawing are due by June 1st of every year.

  • Rifle Antelope Hunts

    Our Rifle Antelope hunts are conducted from the second week of October through the first week of November. Hunts are conducted on a large tract of land, to ensure high numbers of trophy quality antelope. Most bucks will average 13" to 14" with larger bucks a possibility. Montana Antelope tags are issued through a drawing process. Applications for the Antelope drawing are due by June 1st of every year.